CAN programming interface environment - Version 3.08

The purpose of command line tool can-error is to send CAN error frames to an active CANpie FD Server channel.


can-error [options] interface

The options are as follows:

-h, --help     Displays this help.
-e <type>      Set error type to [NONE|BIT0|BIT1|STUFF|FORM|CRC|ACK]
-g <gap>       Time gap in milli-seconds between multiple error frames
-H <host>      Connect to <host>
-n <count>     Terminate after transmission of <count> error frames
-R <value>     Set receive error counter to <value>
-T <value>     Set transmit error counter to <value>
-i <R|T>       Increment the requested error counter
-v, --version  Displays version information.

The command requires a CAN interface as argument, where can1 is the first CAN interface.


Send CAN error frame on CAN interface 2 and set receive error counter to 8:

can-error -R 8 can2

Send CAN error frame on CAN interface 1 and set transmit error counter to 128, causing an error passive state:

can-error -T 128 can1

See also

can-dump for display of CAN messages.